Bone mineral density in patients with classic galactosaemia.Rubio-Gozalbo ME, Hamming S, van Kroonenburgh MJ, Bakker JA, Vermeer C, Forget PP.Department of Pediatrics, Academic Hospital Maastricht, Netherlands. mrub@skin.azm.nlBACKGROUND: Diminished bone mineral density (BMD) is a well known complication in women with classic galactosaemia caused by premature ovarian failure. Diminished BMD in prepubertal patients of either sex has, however, only been reported once. Aim: To assess BMD in children with classic galactosaemia. METHODS: Eleven treated patients (five males, six females, aged 2-18 years) had BMD determined by dual energy x ray absorptiometry. Two measurements were performed, an areal measurement of the total body and a volumetric...