Penyalahgunaan NAPZA menjadi permasalahan individu dan sosial yang mempunyai polatertentu yang tidak sama dengan bentuk penyimpangan perilaku lain. Tujuan dari penelitianini adalah mengidentifikasi pola penyalahgunaan NAPZA oleh konsumen di Indonesia.Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 94 orang dengan karakteristik (1) usia 15-45 tahun,dan menyatakan kesediaan untuk menjadi informan penelitian, dan (2) penyalahguna NAPZAdi wilayah Sragen. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan (1) wawancara, (2) ceklist, dan(3) dokumentasi. Selanjutnya data dianalisis melalui metode statistik parametrik. Hasilmenunjukkan bahwa pola kenakalan penyalahguna NAPZA dari tinjauan usia dan tingkatpendidikan tidak berbeda, sedangkan pola kenakalan penyalahguna NAPZA ...
Drug abusers increases every years, and the student is one of vulnarable group. The students are ado...
Drug abuse is part of the social problems that has got from studen. Cause the drug abuse is a violat...
Research was based on drug abused phenomenon of youth, which lead to the question: what the real cau...
Drug abuse is an individual and social problem that has a certain pattern, which is not thesame as o...
AbstrakPenyalahgunaan narkoba seperti di kalangan remaja atau mahasiswa semakin memprihatinkan, kare...
Masalah kenakalan remaja salah satu hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan, utamanya di Indonesia. Remaj...
The narcotics problem in Indonesia is an urgent and widespread problem. Now it is not uncommon for c...
Adolescence is transition periode, where at the time of such instability is often the case that emot...
Drug abuse could be considered as a "chronic endemic disease" in communities because causing addic...
The causes of drug abuse are complex due to the interaction of various factors, including individual...
Latar belakang: Keadaan masyarakat Indonesia mengenai peredaran NAPZA terasa sangat memprihatinkan. ...
: This research aims to determine the causes of adolescent abusing drugs caused by faulty upbringing...
This study examines the Criminology Review of Narcotics Offenses committed by Children in the Legal ...
Background: The NAPZA abuse in Indonesia is especially in Yogyakarta, cause Yogyakarta as students ...
Currently, Indonesia is in a state of emergency on drugs because its abuse is widespread in society,...
Drug abusers increases every years, and the student is one of vulnarable group. The students are ado...
Drug abuse is part of the social problems that has got from studen. Cause the drug abuse is a violat...
Research was based on drug abused phenomenon of youth, which lead to the question: what the real cau...
Drug abuse is an individual and social problem that has a certain pattern, which is not thesame as o...
AbstrakPenyalahgunaan narkoba seperti di kalangan remaja atau mahasiswa semakin memprihatinkan, kare...
Masalah kenakalan remaja salah satu hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan, utamanya di Indonesia. Remaj...
The narcotics problem in Indonesia is an urgent and widespread problem. Now it is not uncommon for c...
Adolescence is transition periode, where at the time of such instability is often the case that emot...
Drug abuse could be considered as a "chronic endemic disease" in communities because causing addic...
The causes of drug abuse are complex due to the interaction of various factors, including individual...
Latar belakang: Keadaan masyarakat Indonesia mengenai peredaran NAPZA terasa sangat memprihatinkan. ...
: This research aims to determine the causes of adolescent abusing drugs caused by faulty upbringing...
This study examines the Criminology Review of Narcotics Offenses committed by Children in the Legal ...
Background: The NAPZA abuse in Indonesia is especially in Yogyakarta, cause Yogyakarta as students ...
Currently, Indonesia is in a state of emergency on drugs because its abuse is widespread in society,...
Drug abusers increases every years, and the student is one of vulnarable group. The students are ado...
Drug abuse is part of the social problems that has got from studen. Cause the drug abuse is a violat...
Research was based on drug abused phenomenon of youth, which lead to the question: what the real cau...