X-ray CT Scans of an Arizona rhino beetle (Dynastinae, uncatalogued) for Jon Harrison and Jaco Klok of Arizona State University. Specimen scanned by Jessie Maisano 22 December 2010. Voxel size X and Y and Z=37.92 microns Total slices = 883. Please acknowledge The University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility (UTCT) when using this data
X-ray CT Scans of Cycloclypeus carpenteri (foraminifera) (Guam, macrospheric specimens) for Dr. Timo...
<p>We used μRay8700 (a). We place insect directly on stage (b) and fix flower by using plastic tube ...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Acipenser fulvescens (UMMZ 219456; Michigan, Van Buren Wolf Lake hatch...
X-ray CT Scans of the whole body of Nicrophorus americanus for Dr. Timothy Rowe of the Department of...
X-ray CT Scans of Pseudacteon obtusus (affixed to toothpick tip with tacky wax) for Rob Plowes of Br...
X-ray CT Scans of paper wasp nest for Dr. Timothy Rowe of The University of Texas at Austin. Specime...
X-ray CT Scans of Drosophila melanogaster (R-1113, stained with osmium tetraoxide and critical point...
X-ray CT Scans of the anterior end of Scolopendra cingulata (Italy - Puglia: Gravina di Riggio; leg....
X-ray CT Scans of the whole body of Schistocerca emarginatum (Texas: Travis Co., Austin, Brackenridg...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Gymnotus carapo (TNHC 17122; Venezuela, Portuguesa, Co., Cano Maraca a...
X-ray CT Scans of a wood sample of Quercus robur (English oak, Fagaceae; Kw 17894; grown near Malver...
X-ray CT Scans of a baby pineapple (commercial source) for Wolfgang Stuppy of the Royal Botanic Gard...
X-ray CT Scans of the mushroom Agaricus bisporus. (uncatalogued; purchased at Wheatsville Coop. and...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Channa argus (ANSP uncatalogued) for Dr. Timothy Rowe of The Universit...
X-ray CT Scans of Terebratalia transversa (articulate brachiopod preserved in 10% formalin) for Dr. ...
X-ray CT Scans of Cycloclypeus carpenteri (foraminifera) (Guam, macrospheric specimens) for Dr. Timo...
<p>We used μRay8700 (a). We place insect directly on stage (b) and fix flower by using plastic tube ...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Acipenser fulvescens (UMMZ 219456; Michigan, Van Buren Wolf Lake hatch...
X-ray CT Scans of the whole body of Nicrophorus americanus for Dr. Timothy Rowe of the Department of...
X-ray CT Scans of Pseudacteon obtusus (affixed to toothpick tip with tacky wax) for Rob Plowes of Br...
X-ray CT Scans of paper wasp nest for Dr. Timothy Rowe of The University of Texas at Austin. Specime...
X-ray CT Scans of Drosophila melanogaster (R-1113, stained with osmium tetraoxide and critical point...
X-ray CT Scans of the anterior end of Scolopendra cingulata (Italy - Puglia: Gravina di Riggio; leg....
X-ray CT Scans of the whole body of Schistocerca emarginatum (Texas: Travis Co., Austin, Brackenridg...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Gymnotus carapo (TNHC 17122; Venezuela, Portuguesa, Co., Cano Maraca a...
X-ray CT Scans of a wood sample of Quercus robur (English oak, Fagaceae; Kw 17894; grown near Malver...
X-ray CT Scans of a baby pineapple (commercial source) for Wolfgang Stuppy of the Royal Botanic Gard...
X-ray CT Scans of the mushroom Agaricus bisporus. (uncatalogued; purchased at Wheatsville Coop. and...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Channa argus (ANSP uncatalogued) for Dr. Timothy Rowe of The Universit...
X-ray CT Scans of Terebratalia transversa (articulate brachiopod preserved in 10% formalin) for Dr. ...
X-ray CT Scans of Cycloclypeus carpenteri (foraminifera) (Guam, macrospheric specimens) for Dr. Timo...
<p>We used μRay8700 (a). We place insect directly on stage (b) and fix flower by using plastic tube ...
X-ray CT Scans of the head of Acipenser fulvescens (UMMZ 219456; Michigan, Van Buren Wolf Lake hatch...