Analysis of UKGS program in Puskesmas Halmahera

  • Taftazani, Rieza Zulfahmi
  • Rismayani, Lina
  • Santoso, Bedjo
  • Wiyatini, Tri
Publication date
June 2015
Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang


ABSTRACT Public Health Center Halmahera is one of the health centers in the city of Semarang which runs UKGS phase II program in 14 elementary school (SD) and stage III at 1 SD. UKGS in Halmahera PHC activities include counseling, mass and networking toothbrush oral health carried out only once a year, which in turn have an impact on not achieving a targeted program UKGS Ministry of Health. The government is targeting oral health conditions in 2014 as the prevalence of caries-free in one molar (M1) by 50%, the extension executed onece each quaertermester 80% SD and activities jointly undertaken toothbrush every day at school in 50% SD. Based on these data, there is a gap between the state of oral health of elementary school students in the ...

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