TAOYUAMING, known as the "hermit poet" lived from 365 C. E to 427 C. E during the Jin Dynasty. "DRINKING 5" is one of his representative works. TAOYUAMING's works greatly influenced the TANG and SONG dynast's poets. Well known characteristics of "DRINKING 5" are the two strophes "I pick eastern fence-side Chrysanthemumms at will" and "And leisurely I see the southern hill" which gained acclaim through Natume So-seki (夏目漱石), the great modern Japanese writher, in his famous "Grassy Pillow" (草枕). The poem "DRINKING 5" was composed after TAOYUANMING had returned to his place of origin. However there four places at the foot of Mountain Ru (廬山) where it is thought his "place of orign" is located. To this day nobody knows for sure the place where ...