A publication in honor of SUNY Buffalo State\u27s 75th diamond jubilee anniversary. The text was researched and composed by the Committee on College History comprised of: Andrew W. Grabau, Charles A. Messner, Harry W. Rockwell, and Kate V. Wofford. CHAPTER I - The Normal School Develops in America, 1834-1866 CHAPTER II - Founding the State Normal School in Buffalo, 1866-1871 CHAPTER III - Building Firm Foundations, 1871-1919 CHAPTER IV - Years of Growth and Expansion, 1919-1946 CHAPTER V - The Builders of the College CHAPTER VI - Classroom Personalities CHAPTER VII - General Student Activities CHAPTER VIII - Student Organizations - Special Interest Groups CHAPTER IX - The Alumni of the College CHAPTER X - The Years Aheadhttps://digitalcom...