Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court. Back is labeled in pen ""Queen Ida Bouler's Court, 1965"
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen's coronation ceremony. Back is labeled in pencil "Homecoming Q...
Portrait Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen. Back of photo is labeled in pen ""Yvonne Marshall"
Black and white photograph of the 1948 Homecoming Queen and her court. From left to right: Marguerit...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming queen being crowned onstage with attendants during coronation. Back ...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming court posing. Back is labeled in pen ""Homecoming Queen and court"
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court posing. Back of photo is labeled in pen "Miss J.C.S.U. 1958-19...
Photograph of the homecoming queen and attendants. Handwritten note on back reads ""Miss JCSU and ...
Photograph of the homecoming queen and attendants. Handwritten note on back reads "Miss JCSU 1957-...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court posing. Back is labeled in blue pencil ""Anne Austin Mitchell ...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming court posing. Insert in back of photo reads ""Sandra Medford 1956-19...
Photograph of Homecoming court at half time presentation at JCSU Homecoming game, 1946. Front of p...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court posing. Caption under photo reads ""Homecoming King and queen,...
Photograph of queen and her court onstage at JCSU Homecoming coronation. Back is labeled in pen ""...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen posing. Back is labeled in pen ""Miss JCSU 53-54, Clementine R...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming court on field during half time presentation with President H. L. McC...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen's coronation ceremony. Back is labeled in pencil "Homecoming Q...
Portrait Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen. Back of photo is labeled in pen ""Yvonne Marshall"
Black and white photograph of the 1948 Homecoming Queen and her court. From left to right: Marguerit...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming queen being crowned onstage with attendants during coronation. Back ...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming court posing. Back is labeled in pen ""Homecoming Queen and court"
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court posing. Back of photo is labeled in pen "Miss J.C.S.U. 1958-19...
Photograph of the homecoming queen and attendants. Handwritten note on back reads ""Miss JCSU and ...
Photograph of the homecoming queen and attendants. Handwritten note on back reads "Miss JCSU 1957-...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court posing. Back is labeled in blue pencil ""Anne Austin Mitchell ...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming court posing. Insert in back of photo reads ""Sandra Medford 1956-19...
Photograph of Homecoming court at half time presentation at JCSU Homecoming game, 1946. Front of p...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Court posing. Caption under photo reads ""Homecoming King and queen,...
Photograph of queen and her court onstage at JCSU Homecoming coronation. Back is labeled in pen ""...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen posing. Back is labeled in pen ""Miss JCSU 53-54, Clementine R...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming court on field during half time presentation with President H. L. McC...
Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen's coronation ceremony. Back is labeled in pencil "Homecoming Q...
Portrait Photograph of JCSU Homecoming Queen. Back of photo is labeled in pen ""Yvonne Marshall"
Black and white photograph of the 1948 Homecoming Queen and her court. From left to right: Marguerit...