Emblems of the Polish YMCA and of Poland (eagle with a crown). Postcard format prepared by the Polish YMCA in Palestine and Egypt. Palestine, 1943.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ymcaphotos/1004/thumbnail.jp
Letter from K.W. Kubiak to the Headquarters of the Polish YMCA attached to the Polish 2nd Corps on Y...
Letter from Paul Super of the Polish YMCA North American Headquarters and London Headquarters to Zof...
Zamierzone przeobrażenia organizacyjne Oddz. “Polska YMCA przy 2 Korpusie”. (Planned transformation ...
Polish YMCA with the Polish Army, Central Office envelope.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ym...
Polish YMCA identification card no. 49/43 for Zofia Krzyżanowska, Director of the Polish YMCA attach...
Notes in the hand of Zofia Krzyżanowska regarding Polish YMCA in Palestine and Egypt. 1p. (In Polish...
Polish YMCA and other auxiliary service staff attached to the Polish Army in Kassasin (Qassassin), E...
Sprawozdanie z działalnośi Polskiej YMCA Oddz. Rejonu Osiedli Polskich w Italji (Report on the work ...
1940s. Blank stationary of Polish YMCA attached to the Polish Armed Forces, Bagdad.https://digitalco...
Bilans Oddziału Polskiej YMCA przy APW w Obozach Junaków. Stan na dzień 31.XII.1943. (Balance of the...
Handwritten list by Z. Drzewieniecki of Polish YMCA branches and personnel In Great Britain. 2p. (19...
Letter from Józef Brzeżinski, Scout Master, to the Headquarters of the Polish YMCA. Dated Nairobi, S...
Five handwritten sheets regarding books belonging to the Polish YMCA.1946.https://digitalcommons.buf...
Program of courses for workers of Polish YMCA social centers July 23-31, 1945. [Program kursu Polski...
1943. Wykaz Sprzętu Sportowego zakupionego z funduszów polskiej Y.M.C.A. dla Junackich Szkól. [List ...
Letter from K.W. Kubiak to the Headquarters of the Polish YMCA attached to the Polish 2nd Corps on Y...
Letter from Paul Super of the Polish YMCA North American Headquarters and London Headquarters to Zof...
Zamierzone przeobrażenia organizacyjne Oddz. “Polska YMCA przy 2 Korpusie”. (Planned transformation ...
Polish YMCA with the Polish Army, Central Office envelope.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ym...
Polish YMCA identification card no. 49/43 for Zofia Krzyżanowska, Director of the Polish YMCA attach...
Notes in the hand of Zofia Krzyżanowska regarding Polish YMCA in Palestine and Egypt. 1p. (In Polish...
Polish YMCA and other auxiliary service staff attached to the Polish Army in Kassasin (Qassassin), E...
Sprawozdanie z działalnośi Polskiej YMCA Oddz. Rejonu Osiedli Polskich w Italji (Report on the work ...
1940s. Blank stationary of Polish YMCA attached to the Polish Armed Forces, Bagdad.https://digitalco...
Bilans Oddziału Polskiej YMCA przy APW w Obozach Junaków. Stan na dzień 31.XII.1943. (Balance of the...
Handwritten list by Z. Drzewieniecki of Polish YMCA branches and personnel In Great Britain. 2p. (19...
Letter from Józef Brzeżinski, Scout Master, to the Headquarters of the Polish YMCA. Dated Nairobi, S...
Five handwritten sheets regarding books belonging to the Polish YMCA.1946.https://digitalcommons.buf...
Program of courses for workers of Polish YMCA social centers July 23-31, 1945. [Program kursu Polski...
1943. Wykaz Sprzętu Sportowego zakupionego z funduszów polskiej Y.M.C.A. dla Junackich Szkól. [List ...
Letter from K.W. Kubiak to the Headquarters of the Polish YMCA attached to the Polish 2nd Corps on Y...
Letter from Paul Super of the Polish YMCA North American Headquarters and London Headquarters to Zof...
Zamierzone przeobrażenia organizacyjne Oddz. “Polska YMCA przy 2 Korpusie”. (Planned transformation ...