Graduating Polish Cadets leaving the Polish Army’s Cadet Infantry School (Szkoły Podchorążych Piechoty) in Komorowo, Ostrów Mazowiecka. Late 1930s. There was no regular public transportation from the school, but local peasants knew when the Cadets were going somewhere and showed up in their wagons (furmanki) and cried “let’s go Mr. Lieutenant” (“jadziem panie poruczniku”). For these Cadets, it was the last “jadziem panie poruczniku.”
A monument at the Polish Army’s Cadet Infantry School (Szkoły Podchorążych Piechoty) in Komorowo, Os...
Officer Cadet School of the Polish Infantry Reserves (Szkoła Podchorążych Rezerwy Piechoty), Indepen...
W. Silarski. Graduation photo from the Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), Polish Arm...
Cadet’s Day. Colonel Ludwik Bociański (in civilian dress) unveiling the cadet’s “lair” (lęgowisko). ...
Cadets Dobrzyński, Jan Hejke, Jerzy Kaliniecki. Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), P...
Cadet Silarski’s battalion at the military exercise camp in Nowy Targ [Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus ...
Cadets from the Polish Military Academy. 1939.
Włodzimierz (Walter) Drzewieniecki soon after he finished Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 ...
Graduation day for Cadets’ at the Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), Polish Army, Ch...
Cadets Day celebration during the time that Colonel Ludwik Bociański was the Commandant of the Polis...
Jan Hejke, Włodzimierz Marian Birnbaum (Walter Drzewieniecki). Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów ...
1st Lieutenant Włodzimierz Drzewieniecki lecturing to his students from the Officer Cadet School of ...
Photo of the teachers and graduating class of 1934 of Polish Cadet Corps (Korpus Kadetów nr. 2), Che...
There has been studied the system of military education in the cadet corps – “modern schools of chiv...
Cadet Waldemar Geringel at the military exercise camp in Górna Grupa near Grudziądz for cadets from ...
A monument at the Polish Army’s Cadet Infantry School (Szkoły Podchorążych Piechoty) in Komorowo, Os...
Officer Cadet School of the Polish Infantry Reserves (Szkoła Podchorążych Rezerwy Piechoty), Indepen...
W. Silarski. Graduation photo from the Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), Polish Arm...
Cadet’s Day. Colonel Ludwik Bociański (in civilian dress) unveiling the cadet’s “lair” (lęgowisko). ...
Cadets Dobrzyński, Jan Hejke, Jerzy Kaliniecki. Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), P...
Cadet Silarski’s battalion at the military exercise camp in Nowy Targ [Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus ...
Cadets from the Polish Military Academy. 1939.
Włodzimierz (Walter) Drzewieniecki soon after he finished Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 ...
Graduation day for Cadets’ at the Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), Polish Army, Ch...
Cadets Day celebration during the time that Colonel Ludwik Bociański was the Commandant of the Polis...
Jan Hejke, Włodzimierz Marian Birnbaum (Walter Drzewieniecki). Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów ...
1st Lieutenant Włodzimierz Drzewieniecki lecturing to his students from the Officer Cadet School of ...
Photo of the teachers and graduating class of 1934 of Polish Cadet Corps (Korpus Kadetów nr. 2), Che...
There has been studied the system of military education in the cadet corps – “modern schools of chiv...
Cadet Waldemar Geringel at the military exercise camp in Górna Grupa near Grudziądz for cadets from ...
A monument at the Polish Army’s Cadet Infantry School (Szkoły Podchorążych Piechoty) in Komorowo, Os...
Officer Cadet School of the Polish Infantry Reserves (Szkoła Podchorążych Rezerwy Piechoty), Indepen...
W. Silarski. Graduation photo from the Cadets’ School No. 2 (Korpus Kadetów nr 2 – KK-2), Polish Arm...