Pengaruh Kombinasi Senyawa Humik dan CaCO3 terhadap Alumunium dan Fosfat Typic Paleudult Kentrong Banten

  • Winarso, Sugeng
  • Handayanto, Eko
  • Syekhfani, Syekhfani
  • Sulistyanto, Didik
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Publication date
May 2019
Journal of Tropical Soils


Effect of Humic Compounds and CaCO3 Combination on Aluminium and Phosphate of Typic Paleudult Kentrong Banten (S. Winarso, E. Handayanto, Syekhfani and D. Sulistyanto): Decomposition of organic matter releases humic compounds, that can chelate metals include Al in acidic soils. This chelation of Al is important for decreasing of Al activity and P fixation in acidic soils. This study was aimed to test the effect of humic compounds extracted from rice-straw compost and CaCO3 combination on aluminium activity and phosphate (available P) on an Ultisol (Typic Paleudult) collected from Kentrong Banten.  A laboratory study was conducted by series consentration of CaCO3 (0, 500, 1.000, 2.000, dan 3.000 ppm) in 8 grams of acidic soil. The acidic soi...

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