現代英詩と宗教 : 特に象徴としての「水」について

  • 松浦 嘉一
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Publication date
December 1958


The recent study of the history of language postulates the primitive use of the words possessing single meaning. For instance, the Greek word \u27pneuma\u27 is now considered as originally having meant some one undivided thing, including breath, wind, the principle of life, spirit and soul altogether. Even from this hypothesis we can see that the ancient people lived as if they had been half man and half spirit, and they could perceive spiritual phenomena and the otherworldly things as sensuously and vividly as they perceived the physical wind. The antennae of their primitive instinct were extraordinarily sensitive to divine voices and promptings; and as their responses to them, all the ancient life-governing rituals and sacrifices were per...

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