Cretaceous sandstones, claystones and limestones were discovered in 1990s´ near the town Havlíčkův Brod in the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands. The fi nds of bivalves Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson, I. apicalis Woods and Spondylus spinosus Schreibers brings evidence that rocks came from the Jizera Formation (Middle Turonian). Cross bedding indicates shallow marine environment of the wave-cut zone. Cretaceous rocks were found as pebbles in the topsoil and mixed with pebbles of crystalline rocks discovered during geomorphological mapping of this area. Their altitude is in a correspondence with the relics of Neogene fluvial deposits of the Sázava River. Cretaceous rocks were transported from the southest part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin in the a...
The paper is dealing with geological setting of the Bílé Karpaty Unit (Magura Flysch Group of nappes...
Hlavním cílem disertační práce je vymezení charakteru magmatických a alteračních procesů, plášťového...
Small remnant of Jurassic sediments at Hády Hill near Brno in Moravia (Czech Republic) comprises 8 m...
Cretaceous silicious sandstones, limestones and claystones mostly as pebbles in the topsoil were det...
New results of stratigraphic investigations of the Early Cretaceous sediments of the Hradiště Format...
Sedimenty šumavských jezer jsou důležitými přírodními archivy. Záznam v nich obsažený zachycuje post...
The dyke on the Pohoř hill represents the most southeastern occurrence of Cenozoic volcanic rock in ...
Hydrothermal mineralization sporadically occurs in the western part of Chřiby Hills in a form of thi...
Pseudokarstic features are common in clastic sediments at many places of the Bohemian Cretaceous Bas...
The spatial distribution of Lower Badenian marine algal sandy limestones (studied localities Holubic...
Dating and quantifying of denudation rates is still quite difficult task for any terrestrial setting...
The article summarizes results on gamma-spectrometry of rocks (both field and laboratory) in the spe...
The route of highway D47 between Lipník nad Bečvou–Klimkovice is situated in the Carpathian Foredeep...
Four adits excavated in the Křtiny Valley in the early fifties were documented and sampled especiall...
V různých částech České křídové pánve (ČKP) byly pozorovány projevy krasovění jako je rychlé prouděn...
The paper is dealing with geological setting of the Bílé Karpaty Unit (Magura Flysch Group of nappes...
Hlavním cílem disertační práce je vymezení charakteru magmatických a alteračních procesů, plášťového...
Small remnant of Jurassic sediments at Hády Hill near Brno in Moravia (Czech Republic) comprises 8 m...
Cretaceous silicious sandstones, limestones and claystones mostly as pebbles in the topsoil were det...
New results of stratigraphic investigations of the Early Cretaceous sediments of the Hradiště Format...
Sedimenty šumavských jezer jsou důležitými přírodními archivy. Záznam v nich obsažený zachycuje post...
The dyke on the Pohoř hill represents the most southeastern occurrence of Cenozoic volcanic rock in ...
Hydrothermal mineralization sporadically occurs in the western part of Chřiby Hills in a form of thi...
Pseudokarstic features are common in clastic sediments at many places of the Bohemian Cretaceous Bas...
The spatial distribution of Lower Badenian marine algal sandy limestones (studied localities Holubic...
Dating and quantifying of denudation rates is still quite difficult task for any terrestrial setting...
The article summarizes results on gamma-spectrometry of rocks (both field and laboratory) in the spe...
The route of highway D47 between Lipník nad Bečvou–Klimkovice is situated in the Carpathian Foredeep...
Four adits excavated in the Křtiny Valley in the early fifties were documented and sampled especiall...
V různých částech České křídové pánve (ČKP) byly pozorovány projevy krasovění jako je rychlé prouděn...
The paper is dealing with geological setting of the Bílé Karpaty Unit (Magura Flysch Group of nappes...
Hlavním cílem disertační práce je vymezení charakteru magmatických a alteračních procesů, plášťového...
Small remnant of Jurassic sediments at Hády Hill near Brno in Moravia (Czech Republic) comprises 8 m...