Cave speleothems grow from supersaturated dripwaters and store information about various karst processes along the water flow path. Anomalous non-saturated waters may occur if (1) rainfall water passes very rapidly through karst profile or if (2) two saturated waters of different compositions are mixed. The low mineralization close to saturation could be reached also as (3) result of calcite precipitating prior the water enters the cave. The hydrogeochemistry of four dripwaters in the Punkva Caves (Moravian Karst) was systematically studied for anomalous properties during one-year period. The drips are situated in a passage behind Přední Dóm Chamber (CP1 and CP2, 24 samples each), in Tunnel Corridor (TC1, 24 samples), and in Zadní Dóm Chamb...
Contents of potassium, uranium and thorium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer i...
Speleothem extensive damage was observed in the Moravian Karst caves during the last 20–30 years. It...
Rašeliniště jsou považována za cenné ekosystémy na zemi a hrají důležitou roli při mnoha procesech v...
V různých částech České křídové pánve (ČKP) byly pozorovány projevy krasovění jako je rychlé prouděn...
Pseudokarstic features are common in clastic sediments at many places of the Bohemian Cretaceous Bas...
Hydrogeochemistry and dynamics of selected drips was studied in Výpustek Cave (Moravian Karst). It w...
Contents of uranium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer in 912 samples of Proter...
Four adits excavated in the Křtiny Valley in the early fifties were documented and sampled especiall...
The spatial distribution of Lower Badenian marine algal sandy limestones (studied localities Holubic...
The occurrence of Ciężkow sandstone layer on map sheet 25-234 Horní Bečva is limited to narrow NW-SE...
This master thesis if focused on the phenomenon of hydrological drought in the Šumava (Bohemian/Blac...
Limestones of the Macocha and Líšeň Formations and silty to clayey shales of the Rozstání Formation ...
An anthropogenic impact on carbon dioxide (CO2-) concentrations was studied in the Balcarka Cave (Mo...
CO2 fluxes from soils into external atmosphere were studied at selected sites of the Moravian Karst....
Loess-paleosol sequences are an important source of terrestrial paleoclimatic proxy-data. Quaternary...
Contents of potassium, uranium and thorium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer i...
Speleothem extensive damage was observed in the Moravian Karst caves during the last 20–30 years. It...
Rašeliniště jsou považována za cenné ekosystémy na zemi a hrají důležitou roli při mnoha procesech v...
V různých částech České křídové pánve (ČKP) byly pozorovány projevy krasovění jako je rychlé prouděn...
Pseudokarstic features are common in clastic sediments at many places of the Bohemian Cretaceous Bas...
Hydrogeochemistry and dynamics of selected drips was studied in Výpustek Cave (Moravian Karst). It w...
Contents of uranium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer in 912 samples of Proter...
Four adits excavated in the Křtiny Valley in the early fifties were documented and sampled especiall...
The spatial distribution of Lower Badenian marine algal sandy limestones (studied localities Holubic...
The occurrence of Ciężkow sandstone layer on map sheet 25-234 Horní Bečva is limited to narrow NW-SE...
This master thesis if focused on the phenomenon of hydrological drought in the Šumava (Bohemian/Blac...
Limestones of the Macocha and Líšeň Formations and silty to clayey shales of the Rozstání Formation ...
An anthropogenic impact on carbon dioxide (CO2-) concentrations was studied in the Balcarka Cave (Mo...
CO2 fluxes from soils into external atmosphere were studied at selected sites of the Moravian Karst....
Loess-paleosol sequences are an important source of terrestrial paleoclimatic proxy-data. Quaternary...
Contents of potassium, uranium and thorium were measured using a laboratory gamma–ray spectrometer i...
Speleothem extensive damage was observed in the Moravian Karst caves during the last 20–30 years. It...
Rašeliniště jsou považována za cenné ekosystémy na zemi a hrají důležitou roli při mnoha procesech v...