Oaks (Quercus sp.) are dominant throughout much of the eastern broadleaf forests of the United States and are of great ecological, economical, and cultural value. Despite their prevalence in the overstory, many sites are lacking in the advanced reproduction necessary for its regeneration in future stands. This dilemma has merited much research, but widely applicable and consistently successful methods for regenerating oak remain elusive. This study examines the response of northern red oak (Q. rubra) underplantings to forest management regimes across the environmental gradients of physiographic province, aspect, and fencing levels. Management regimes included 1) control sites, 2) a single prescribed burn, 3) repeat prescribed burns 5) diame...
Establishing adequate advanced oak reproduction prior to final overstory removal is crucial for rege...
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) stands in northern lower Michigan are maturing on intermediate qual...
Most oak (Quercus) regeneration research over the past two decades has focused on improving the comp...
Regenerating oak, on recently harvested sites, continues to be a silvicultural challenge in the Cent...
A major concern in the management of Quercus rubra is the the difficulty in regenerating stands that...
The decreased ability of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) to regenerate throughout its range in the ...
Problems developing tall oak seedlings of high abundance have become a concern throughout many easte...
The formation of dense understories in eastern forests has created low light environments that hinde...
The success of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) in the oak-hickory forest type and its growth and...
Oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration success historically can be described as highly variable, especially...
In 1995, an enrichment planting of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) was established in a recently...
Problems with oak regeneration, and concerns by environmental and conservation organizations, are dr...
Regenerating northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) on high-quality growing sites is a continuing probl...
The regeneration of oak species in the forest setting has been a current issue for foresters. Oak-h...
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings, produced through the efforts of The University of Ten...
Establishing adequate advanced oak reproduction prior to final overstory removal is crucial for rege...
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) stands in northern lower Michigan are maturing on intermediate qual...
Most oak (Quercus) regeneration research over the past two decades has focused on improving the comp...
Regenerating oak, on recently harvested sites, continues to be a silvicultural challenge in the Cent...
A major concern in the management of Quercus rubra is the the difficulty in regenerating stands that...
The decreased ability of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) to regenerate throughout its range in the ...
Problems developing tall oak seedlings of high abundance have become a concern throughout many easte...
The formation of dense understories in eastern forests has created low light environments that hinde...
The success of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) in the oak-hickory forest type and its growth and...
Oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration success historically can be described as highly variable, especially...
In 1995, an enrichment planting of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) was established in a recently...
Problems with oak regeneration, and concerns by environmental and conservation organizations, are dr...
Regenerating northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) on high-quality growing sites is a continuing probl...
The regeneration of oak species in the forest setting has been a current issue for foresters. Oak-h...
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings, produced through the efforts of The University of Ten...
Establishing adequate advanced oak reproduction prior to final overstory removal is crucial for rege...
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) stands in northern lower Michigan are maturing on intermediate qual...
Most oak (Quercus) regeneration research over the past two decades has focused on improving the comp...