In this paper we study an optimal control problem for a nonlinear elliptic variational inequality with generalized solenoidal coefficients which we adopt as controls in L°°(fi). We prove the existence of optimal solution of the stated problem.Исследована задача оптимального управления для нелинейного эллиптического вариационного неравенства с обобщенно соленоидальными коэффициентами, которые выступают в качестве управлений из класса L°°(fi). Доказано существование оптимального решения данной задачи.Досліджено задачу оптимального керування для нелінійної еліптичної варіаційної нерівності з узагальнено соленоїдальними коефіцієнтами, що виступають як керування з кла-су L°°(fi). Встановлено існування оптимального розв'язку даної задачі
It was shown that the equipment design is a key to REE stable features ensuring , its reliability a...
The article describes the solutions of an abstract stochastic Cauchy problem for the X´(t) = AX(t)+B...
In this paper we analyze several techniques to diversify fault-tolerant FPGA-based systems. Also we ...
An optimal control problem for the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the nonlinear elliptic equat...
It is shown that by setting the sustainable equation for the leading variable , and its subsequent t...
The conditions of global existence of solutions of a nonlinear filtration problem in an inhomogeneou...
We consider the problem of determining the source function and the leading coefficient in a multidi...
New necessary and sufficient solvability conditions of a linear output feedbackdesign problem for li...
This article describes the method for separating the regions of stability of electro-reducing valve ...
Рассматривается актуальная проблема, связанная с обучением нейронных сетей. Предлагается оригинальны...
The model of the influence of the available time on the tension of operators and the infallibility o...
The results of analysis of the causes of sizable discrepancy of data for longitudinal constituent H ...
In this paper the object of study is the quasiareal infinitesimal deformation of the unrestricted s...
The algorithm of cryptographic protection of data with the public key using a multilayer perceptron ...
This paper defined the peculiarities of stress-testing reports of central banks on the financial sta...
It was shown that the equipment design is a key to REE stable features ensuring , its reliability a...
The article describes the solutions of an abstract stochastic Cauchy problem for the X´(t) = AX(t)+B...
In this paper we analyze several techniques to diversify fault-tolerant FPGA-based systems. Also we ...
An optimal control problem for the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the nonlinear elliptic equat...
It is shown that by setting the sustainable equation for the leading variable , and its subsequent t...
The conditions of global existence of solutions of a nonlinear filtration problem in an inhomogeneou...
We consider the problem of determining the source function and the leading coefficient in a multidi...
New necessary and sufficient solvability conditions of a linear output feedbackdesign problem for li...
This article describes the method for separating the regions of stability of electro-reducing valve ...
Рассматривается актуальная проблема, связанная с обучением нейронных сетей. Предлагается оригинальны...
The model of the influence of the available time on the tension of operators and the infallibility o...
The results of analysis of the causes of sizable discrepancy of data for longitudinal constituent H ...
In this paper the object of study is the quasiareal infinitesimal deformation of the unrestricted s...
The algorithm of cryptographic protection of data with the public key using a multilayer perceptron ...
This paper defined the peculiarities of stress-testing reports of central banks on the financial sta...
It was shown that the equipment design is a key to REE stable features ensuring , its reliability a...
The article describes the solutions of an abstract stochastic Cauchy problem for the X´(t) = AX(t)+B...
In this paper we analyze several techniques to diversify fault-tolerant FPGA-based systems. Also we ...