Keragaan dan Keragaman Genetik Karakter Agronomi Galur Mutan Putatif Gandum Generasi M5

  • Febrianto, Eka Bobby
  • Wahyu, Yudiwanti
  • Wirnas, Desta
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Publication date
June 2015
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture


The cultivation of wheat in Indonesia especially at medium-low altitude faces problems such as high temperatures whicheffect negativelyon the yield. The aims of this research was to obtain informations on performance, genetic variability and heritability of agronomic characters of wheat putative mutant lines on M5 generation. Genotypes evaluated in the study consisted of 98 putative mutant lines of M5 generation and six varieties as checks, namely Dewata, Selayar, Oasis, Rabe, Kasifbey, and Basribey. The research was conducted at Research Station of IOCRI (Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute), Cipanas. Genotypes were arranged in an augmented, randomized block design. Result of the experiment showed that high heritability estimate...

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