Influence of the biologically active agents (BAA) on quality, periods of storage of fish preserved food is studied. The technology of introduction of additives, established periods of storage of ready-made products is developed. Results will allow to expand the range of fish preserved food, to provide their high consumer properties.Изучено влияние биологически активных веществ (БАВ) на качество, сроки хранения рыбных пресервов. Разработана технология введения добавок, установлены сроки хранения готовых продуктов. Результаты позволят расширить ассортимент рыбных пресервов, обеспечить их высокие потребительские свойства
Modern development of food industry of Ukraine status is analysed in the article. The factors of dev...
Analysis of legal principles of state support for agriculture as a means of ensuring food safety.Ана...
The article presents the results of research on the territory of the Khakas Republic products in ter...
The results of use in the production of fermented milk products biologically active additives (BAA),...
Now there is a problem of increase of efficiency of functioning of a fish facilities of Byelorussia....
The developed compoundings of pastelike preserved food from light-salted fillet of the salmon fishes...
There are discusse the possible aspects and examples of the application of the accelerated methods o...
Навчальна дисципліна «Генетика риб» спрямована на здобуття студентами знань з основ генетичних особл...
In this article the idea of differentiation of legal mode of protection and usage of various kinds o...
The article presents an analysis of current information, percentages of the levels of daily consumpt...
У роботі розглядаються теоретичні аспекти: характеристика риби як промислової сировини; аналіз особл...
Ознайомлення майбутніх фахівців із особливостями анатомічної та морфо-фізіологічної будови риб та ри...
In the article normative-legal acts which regulate the relations on production of stock-raising prod...
Было установлено, что химический состав товарной рыбы и ее технологические свойства определяются воз...
Comparative analysis of fish biodiversity and quantity in Sevastopolskaya and Karantinnaya bays in p...
Modern development of food industry of Ukraine status is analysed in the article. The factors of dev...
Analysis of legal principles of state support for agriculture as a means of ensuring food safety.Ана...
The article presents the results of research on the territory of the Khakas Republic products in ter...
The results of use in the production of fermented milk products biologically active additives (BAA),...
Now there is a problem of increase of efficiency of functioning of a fish facilities of Byelorussia....
The developed compoundings of pastelike preserved food from light-salted fillet of the salmon fishes...
There are discusse the possible aspects and examples of the application of the accelerated methods o...
Навчальна дисципліна «Генетика риб» спрямована на здобуття студентами знань з основ генетичних особл...
In this article the idea of differentiation of legal mode of protection and usage of various kinds o...
The article presents an analysis of current information, percentages of the levels of daily consumpt...
У роботі розглядаються теоретичні аспекти: характеристика риби як промислової сировини; аналіз особл...
Ознайомлення майбутніх фахівців із особливостями анатомічної та морфо-фізіологічної будови риб та ри...
In the article normative-legal acts which regulate the relations on production of stock-raising prod...
Было установлено, что химический состав товарной рыбы и ее технологические свойства определяются воз...
Comparative analysis of fish biodiversity and quantity in Sevastopolskaya and Karantinnaya bays in p...
Modern development of food industry of Ukraine status is analysed in the article. The factors of dev...
Analysis of legal principles of state support for agriculture as a means of ensuring food safety.Ана...
The article presents the results of research on the territory of the Khakas Republic products in ter...