Áhugi alþjóðasamfélagsins hefur að undanförnu beinst mikið að málefnum norðurslóða. Með loftslagsbreytingum og bráðnun íss eru að opnast stór svæði við Norðurheimskaut sem áður voru lokuð undir íshellunni. Talið er að á þeim svæðum sé mikið af verðmætum auðlindum eins og olíu og gasi og að þær auðlindir séu að miklu leyti á norðursvæðum Rússlands. Komið hefur fram í opinberri stefnu Rússlands að stór áform eru uppi um nýtingu svæða norðurslóða. Rússland hefur sett fram djarfar landfræðilegar kröfur á Norðurheimskautasvæðum, sem spanna m.a. yfir svæði Norðurpólsins. Þrátt fyrir mikla gagnrýni annarra ríkja á svæðinu stendur Rússland fast á sínu. Rússland hefur stórar áætlanir um auðlindarnýtingu olíu og gass á norðurslóðum og hefur gert samn...
After a period of relative neglect in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Arctic is back on the agenda of...
Of all topics on the international political agenda, climate change is regarded as one of the most i...
Recent changes in the Russian Arctic are often unique in terms of their nature and intensity. Fundam...
The Arctic region is changing rapidly. These changes stem mostly from climate change, as the Arctic ...
Straipsnyje yra aptariamos Norvegijos, Kanados, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Rusijos priimtos Arkt...
Currently, there is an increase in economic and military-political rivalry between the leading state...
Bu çalışmada son yıllara kadar uluslararası ilişkiler gündeminde marjinal konumda olan Arktik bölges...
21st century introduced the world a new region that for a last decade became an object of heated pol...
National Policy of the Russian Federation for the Arctic Region to 2020 and beyond- Основы государст...
Naujausi tyrimai rodo, kad klimato atšilimas itin intensyviai vyksta Arkties regione. Tikėtina, kad ...
The Shaping of Russia's Arctic strategy Abstract Dramatic and rapid shifts are brought about by clim...
Bakalaura darbā paredzēts noskaidrot, kā attīstījusies ES ārpolitika attiecībā uz Arktikas reģionu, ...
Starptautiskās attiecības un diplomātijaSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational Rela...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie polityki Federacji Rosyjskiej na terenie Arktyki. Zostały uwzgl...
After a period of relative neglect in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Arctic is back on the agenda of...
Of all topics on the international political agenda, climate change is regarded as one of the most i...
Recent changes in the Russian Arctic are often unique in terms of their nature and intensity. Fundam...
The Arctic region is changing rapidly. These changes stem mostly from climate change, as the Arctic ...
Straipsnyje yra aptariamos Norvegijos, Kanados, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Rusijos priimtos Arkt...
Currently, there is an increase in economic and military-political rivalry between the leading state...
Bu çalışmada son yıllara kadar uluslararası ilişkiler gündeminde marjinal konumda olan Arktik bölges...
21st century introduced the world a new region that for a last decade became an object of heated pol...
National Policy of the Russian Federation for the Arctic Region to 2020 and beyond- Основы государст...
Naujausi tyrimai rodo, kad klimato atšilimas itin intensyviai vyksta Arkties regione. Tikėtina, kad ...
The Shaping of Russia's Arctic strategy Abstract Dramatic and rapid shifts are brought about by clim...
Bakalaura darbā paredzēts noskaidrot, kā attīstījusies ES ārpolitika attiecībā uz Arktikas reģionu, ...
Starptautiskās attiecības un diplomātijaSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational Rela...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie polityki Federacji Rosyjskiej na terenie Arktyki. Zostały uwzgl...
After a period of relative neglect in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Arctic is back on the agenda of...
Of all topics on the international political agenda, climate change is regarded as one of the most i...
Recent changes in the Russian Arctic are often unique in terms of their nature and intensity. Fundam...