Brasilía er fjölmenningarsamfélag og fyrrum portúgölsk nýlenda. Hugmyndafræði Portúgala um samlögun á nýlendum sínum, þar sem þeir hikuðu ekki við að blandast íbúum nýlendanna, hafði þau áhrif að við mótun brasilísku þjóðarinnar þróuðu íbúar landsins ekki með sér kynþáttavitund. Það leiddi af sér svokallað kynþáttalýðræði, þar sem allir eru jafnir, og sem hefur verið talið eitt af aðaleinkennum brasilísku þjóðarinnar. Síðan á fjórða áratug síðustu aldar hefur það þó verið dregið í efa. Í ritgerðinni verður fjallað um meint kynþáttalýðræði og forsendur þess skoðaðar. Kenningar og hugtök sem varða þjóð og menningu, kynþætti og kynþáttafordóma eru í forgrunni, sem og hugmyndafræði nýlendustefnu Portúgala. Farið er yfir hvernig háskólasamfélagi...
Thesis “Mechanisms of Racial Segregation in Brazil” seeks to challenge the myth of racial democracy ...
This article addresses a recurrent tension in the literature on race and racism in Brazil. On the on...
This article’s purpose is to problematize the social ascension of the black subject as an index that...
A grande mistura racial e as comparações com o racismo segregacionista norte-americano são alguns do...
Esse ensaio focaliza a relação entre raça e política no Brasil a partir de uma releitura do livro Di...
The present study aims to address how, over the years, different intellectual conceptions have addr...
In this paper we propose a course of analysis aimed at the clarification of how racism and racial in...
This research sought to identify the participation of different races in organizations and to invest...
This term paper aims to analyse the policies against discrimination and racism of the Black Citizens...
O texto discute o significado das propostas de ação afirmativa no contexto brasileiro de relações ra...
ABSTRACT This research sought to identify the participation of different races in organizations and ...
The study of race relationships carried aout by the Author in São Paulo, Brazil, in three field rese...
This research paper examines the problematic areas of inequality and racism within Brazil. It focuse...
Race does matter but to what extent? It depends on the vested interests of the governing body. In Br...
This thesis aimed to investigate the role of prejudice and social representations about Brazil, here...
Thesis “Mechanisms of Racial Segregation in Brazil” seeks to challenge the myth of racial democracy ...
This article addresses a recurrent tension in the literature on race and racism in Brazil. On the on...
This article’s purpose is to problematize the social ascension of the black subject as an index that...
A grande mistura racial e as comparações com o racismo segregacionista norte-americano são alguns do...
Esse ensaio focaliza a relação entre raça e política no Brasil a partir de uma releitura do livro Di...
The present study aims to address how, over the years, different intellectual conceptions have addr...
In this paper we propose a course of analysis aimed at the clarification of how racism and racial in...
This research sought to identify the participation of different races in organizations and to invest...
This term paper aims to analyse the policies against discrimination and racism of the Black Citizens...
O texto discute o significado das propostas de ação afirmativa no contexto brasileiro de relações ra...
ABSTRACT This research sought to identify the participation of different races in organizations and ...
The study of race relationships carried aout by the Author in São Paulo, Brazil, in three field rese...
This research paper examines the problematic areas of inequality and racism within Brazil. It focuse...
Race does matter but to what extent? It depends on the vested interests of the governing body. In Br...
This thesis aimed to investigate the role of prejudice and social representations about Brazil, here...
Thesis “Mechanisms of Racial Segregation in Brazil” seeks to challenge the myth of racial democracy ...
This article addresses a recurrent tension in the literature on race and racism in Brazil. On the on...
This article’s purpose is to problematize the social ascension of the black subject as an index that...