Loftslag á jörðinni hefur hlýnað hratt síðustu áratugi og samkvæmt spám loftslagslíkana mun hlýna á Íslandi um rúmlega 0,2°C á áratug fram undir miðja þessa öld. Blómgunartími plantna er talinn vera næmur líffræðilegur mælikvarði á hnattrænar loftslagsbreytingar og rannsóknir erlendis hafa sýnt að hlýnun síðustu áratuga hefur flýtt blómgunartíma margra plöntutegunda. Í þessari rannsókn var hæðarfallandi við Snæfellsjökul notaður til að líkja eftir breytilegu hitastigi og kanna áhrif mismunandi lofthita á (1) blómgunartíma tveggja algengra snemmblómgandi plöntutegunda, lambagrass (Silene acaulis L) og grasvíðis (Salix herbacea L) og (2) stærðardreifingu, kynjahlutföll, þéttleika, blómgunartíðni og æxlunarátak tveggja stofna lambagrass. Sumar...
Sexual reproduction, and the genetic variation it entails, could prove vital for plants’ ability to ...
Global warming is expected to affect the arctic harsher than other regions of the globe. Many plant ...
Species and community-level responses to warming are well documented, with plants and invertebrates ...
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna samband lofthita og umhverfis á þroskun og spírun lambagras...
Global average temperature is predicted to increase from 0.3 - 4.8ºC by 2100, resulting in higher so...
Altres ajuts: Scholarly Studies programme of the Smithsonian Institution, projects LM2015061 and LO1...
Icelandic plant communities are shaped by climate, volcanism and, since human settlement around 870 ...
Thesis approved in partial fulfilment of a double Nordic Master MSc degree in environmental changes ...
Climate change is stronger at high than at temperate and tropical latitudes. The natural geothermal ...
Ritgerðin er lokuð til 10.03.2023Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Clim...
The phenology of vegetation, particularly the length of the growing season (LOS; i.e., the period fr...
The phenology of vegetation, particularly the length of the growing season (LOS; i.e., the period fr...
Climate change and afforestation efforts are promoting tree growth into traditionally treeless locat...
Phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in organisms’ adaptability to environmental change suc...
This study seeks to evaluate the morphology of three native Icelandic plant species, Alchemilla alpi...
Sexual reproduction, and the genetic variation it entails, could prove vital for plants’ ability to ...
Global warming is expected to affect the arctic harsher than other regions of the globe. Many plant ...
Species and community-level responses to warming are well documented, with plants and invertebrates ...
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna samband lofthita og umhverfis á þroskun og spírun lambagras...
Global average temperature is predicted to increase from 0.3 - 4.8ºC by 2100, resulting in higher so...
Altres ajuts: Scholarly Studies programme of the Smithsonian Institution, projects LM2015061 and LO1...
Icelandic plant communities are shaped by climate, volcanism and, since human settlement around 870 ...
Thesis approved in partial fulfilment of a double Nordic Master MSc degree in environmental changes ...
Climate change is stronger at high than at temperate and tropical latitudes. The natural geothermal ...
Ritgerðin er lokuð til 10.03.2023Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Clim...
The phenology of vegetation, particularly the length of the growing season (LOS; i.e., the period fr...
The phenology of vegetation, particularly the length of the growing season (LOS; i.e., the period fr...
Climate change and afforestation efforts are promoting tree growth into traditionally treeless locat...
Phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in organisms’ adaptability to environmental change suc...
This study seeks to evaluate the morphology of three native Icelandic plant species, Alchemilla alpi...
Sexual reproduction, and the genetic variation it entails, could prove vital for plants’ ability to ...
Global warming is expected to affect the arctic harsher than other regions of the globe. Many plant ...
Species and community-level responses to warming are well documented, with plants and invertebrates ...