Félagsfælni er geðröskun sem hefur í för með sér mikla skerðingu á virkni fólks í daglegu lífi. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á áhrif félagsfælni á heildarlífsgæði einstaklinga og tengsl félagsfælni við aðrar geðraskanir. Einnig benda niðurstöður fyrri rannsókna til tengsla á milli félagsfælni og lágs sjálfsmats. Því er mikilvægt að fá gagnreynda meðferð til að vinna á félagsfælni. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta áhrif sérhæfðrar hugrænnar atferlismeðferðar á félagsfælni og sjálfsmat en auk þess skoðuðu rannsakendur áhrif á þunglyndi, kvíða, streitu og lífsgæði. Þátttakendur voru 37 og þurftu að ná 30 stigum á félagsfælnikvörðum til að taka þátt í meðferðinni. 4 luku ekki meðferð. Meðferð var framkvæmd af tveimur sálfræðingum og svöru...
Social phobia is a common (13 %) and disabling anxiety disorder associated with considerable social ...
Social ångest drabbar omkring en av nio svenskar. Effektiva behandlingar finns, med begränsad tillgå...
The cognitive-behavioral group treatment (CBGT) protocol developed by Heimberg (1991) has been one o...
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink at the top of...
Amaç: Araştırmanın amacı, sosyal anksiyete belirtileri olan ergenlerde bilişsel-davranışçı grup tera...
Aims of the study were to examine the prevalence of negative mental images among people with social ...
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one the most common anxiety disorders in adolescence and can have i...
ABSTRACT The aim of present study was to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy on co...
Bakgrund: Social fobi är en sjukdom där personen har en irrationell rädsla för situationer där perso...
Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı kaygı bozukluklarının tedavisinde kullanılmak üzere geliştiril...
The present study aims to determine the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based on Hofmann’s ...
Background: Self-esteem is considered to be a significant influential factor concerning well-being. ...
Cognitive-behavioral treatments have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of social phobia. Howeve...
Specific memories of early negative life experiences (ENLE) and images play an important role in the...
This study aims to review empirical studies that were used to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitiv...
Social phobia is a common (13 %) and disabling anxiety disorder associated with considerable social ...
Social ångest drabbar omkring en av nio svenskar. Effektiva behandlingar finns, med begränsad tillgå...
The cognitive-behavioral group treatment (CBGT) protocol developed by Heimberg (1991) has been one o...
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink at the top of...
Amaç: Araştırmanın amacı, sosyal anksiyete belirtileri olan ergenlerde bilişsel-davranışçı grup tera...
Aims of the study were to examine the prevalence of negative mental images among people with social ...
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one the most common anxiety disorders in adolescence and can have i...
ABSTRACT The aim of present study was to evaluate the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy on co...
Bakgrund: Social fobi är en sjukdom där personen har en irrationell rädsla för situationer där perso...
Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı kaygı bozukluklarının tedavisinde kullanılmak üzere geliştiril...
The present study aims to determine the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based on Hofmann’s ...
Background: Self-esteem is considered to be a significant influential factor concerning well-being. ...
Cognitive-behavioral treatments have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of social phobia. Howeve...
Specific memories of early negative life experiences (ENLE) and images play an important role in the...
This study aims to review empirical studies that were used to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitiv...
Social phobia is a common (13 %) and disabling anxiety disorder associated with considerable social ...
Social ångest drabbar omkring en av nio svenskar. Effektiva behandlingar finns, med begränsad tillgå...
The cognitive-behavioral group treatment (CBGT) protocol developed by Heimberg (1991) has been one o...