Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að að þreyta, svefnleysi og langur vinnutími geta leitt til sálfræðilegra vandamála. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var skoða samband milli svefnleysi, þreytu, vinnutíma og stöðu um borð á andlega heilsu (þunglyndi, kvíða og streitu). Þar að auki áhrif þessa á frammistöðu í starfi. Í rannsókninni var notað hentugleikaúrtak sem samanstóð af 313 WOW Air flugliðum. Niðurstöður sýndu marktækt samband milli svefnleysis, þreytu, starfsánægju, þunglyndis, kvíða og streitu við frammistöðu í starfi. Niðurstöður þriggja leiðargreiningarlíkana sýndu að svefnleysi, þreyta og óregluleg flugskrá höfðu bein áhrif á þunglyndi og óbein áhrif á starfsframmistöðu í gegnum þunglyndi. Að auki hafði svefnleysi og starfsánægja bein áhrif á frammistö...
peer-reviewedA growing body of evidence suggests long work hours adversely affect mental health acro...
This thesis aims to develop better understanding of the two occupational health risks flight attenda...
Fatigue as an emerging flight safety issue in the aviation industry requires an elaborate understand...
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti sąsajas tarp jūrininkų subjektyviai suvokiamų stresogeninių darbo sąlygų, m...
Over recent years, sleep has been a compelling topic in the world of science. Studies show that slee...
Inngangur: Streita, þreyta og svefnleysi hafa aukist undanfarna áratugi meðal unglinga í vestrænum s...
Background: Fatigue is a recognised risk factor for safety in seafaring. While always dangerous, fat...
Background: Aviation pilots and cabin crew regularly undertake shift work, and may experience circad...
Work is believed to be one of the main stressor in the modern world. Burnout has received considerab...
While previous research focused on pilots’ fatigue, rosters, potential performance-impairment and av...
While previous research focused on pilots’ fatigue, rosters, potential performance-impairment and av...
Today’s flight operations work on a pressurised 24/7 timetable as a result of the unrelenting escala...
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða samband milli vinnustreitu, sálfélagslegra þátta í vinnu, f...
Objective This study Investigates more dimensions than previous studies simultaneously: pilots’ duty...
A growing body of evidence suggests long work hours adversely affect mental health across a variety ...
peer-reviewedA growing body of evidence suggests long work hours adversely affect mental health acro...
This thesis aims to develop better understanding of the two occupational health risks flight attenda...
Fatigue as an emerging flight safety issue in the aviation industry requires an elaborate understand...
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti sąsajas tarp jūrininkų subjektyviai suvokiamų stresogeninių darbo sąlygų, m...
Over recent years, sleep has been a compelling topic in the world of science. Studies show that slee...
Inngangur: Streita, þreyta og svefnleysi hafa aukist undanfarna áratugi meðal unglinga í vestrænum s...
Background: Fatigue is a recognised risk factor for safety in seafaring. While always dangerous, fat...
Background: Aviation pilots and cabin crew regularly undertake shift work, and may experience circad...
Work is believed to be one of the main stressor in the modern world. Burnout has received considerab...
While previous research focused on pilots’ fatigue, rosters, potential performance-impairment and av...
While previous research focused on pilots’ fatigue, rosters, potential performance-impairment and av...
Today’s flight operations work on a pressurised 24/7 timetable as a result of the unrelenting escala...
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða samband milli vinnustreitu, sálfélagslegra þátta í vinnu, f...
Objective This study Investigates more dimensions than previous studies simultaneously: pilots’ duty...
A growing body of evidence suggests long work hours adversely affect mental health across a variety ...
peer-reviewedA growing body of evidence suggests long work hours adversely affect mental health acro...
This thesis aims to develop better understanding of the two occupational health risks flight attenda...
Fatigue as an emerging flight safety issue in the aviation industry requires an elaborate understand...