Una perspectiva de género en el estudio de conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes.

  • Giménez-García, Cristina
  • Ruiz-Palomino, Estefanía
  • Gil-Llario, María Dolores
  • Ballester-Arnal, Rafael
  • Castro-Calvo, Jesús
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Publication date
July 2016
Asociación INFAD


Adolescence is an important stage to achieve healthy lifestyles. However, at European level, adolescents show daily risk behaviors for their health. Due to the associated implications, this study explores risk behaviours for health (alcohol consumption, tobacco and other drugs, harmful eating, sedentary lifestyle and risk sexuality), as well as the analysis of those variables that could facilitate them (attitudes, beliefs and motivations) among adolescents who are from Comunidad Valenciana. For this purpose, 300 adolescents between 15 and 18 years old filled the Questionnaire of Information, Attitudes and Behaviours related to Health-3 in their educational centres. Results show a greater prevalence of risk behaviours among these adolescents...

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