Augnstökk eru augnhreyfingar sem færa áhorf okkar snarlega frá einu áreiti yfir á annað. Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að eiginleikar áreita geta haft áhrif á eiginleika augnstökka. Á þessum rökum var sú tilgáta reist að stærð og birtuskil markáreitis geti haft áhrif á viðbragðstíma og hámarkshraða augnstökka. Það voru 12 þátttakendur sem einblíndu á miðjuáreiti sem hvarf og samtímis birtist markáreiti 8° vinstra eða hægra megin við miðjuáreitið. Markáreitið birtist í sjö mismunandi stærðum og stigum birtuskila. Hámarkshraðinn virtist ekki verða fyrir áhrifum, hvorki frá stærð né birtuskilum markáreitis þar sem það var ekki marktækur munur á meðalhámarkshraða eftir skilyrðum stærðar- og birtuskilsverkefnisins. Hins vegar varð viðbragðstíminn fyrir á...
International audienceWe have previously shown that when a stimulus consisting of two concentric rin...
AbstractThe choice of where to look in a visual scene depends on visual processing of information fr...
Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the spatial frequency content of natural ...
Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 41 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 25 attēlus, 2 tabulas, 3 pielikumus...
Saccadic eye movements, which rapidly and accurately guide our gaze from one point of interest to an...
Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 46 lapaspusēm un sastāv no 22 attēliem, 4 tabulām un 30 atsau...
The authors investigated mechanisms involved in transformation of spatially extended targets into sa...
AbstractNormal human saccadic reaction times (SRTs) have been thought to be approximately 200ms. The...
AbstractWe characterised the impact of spatial frequency and contrast on saccade latencies to single...
AbstractWe compared the spatio-temporal tuning of perception to the mechanisms that drive saccadic e...
Saccadic latencies are known to change as a function of target eccentricity and size. Recently, it h...
The latency of saccades, defined as the interval between target presentation and the beginning of ey...
International audienceTwo experiments are reported that studied changes in saccade latencies (SLs) i...
A growing number of studies in vision research employ analyses of how perturbations in visual stimul...
The choice of where to look in a visual scene depends on visual processing of information from poten...
International audienceWe have previously shown that when a stimulus consisting of two concentric rin...
AbstractThe choice of where to look in a visual scene depends on visual processing of information fr...
Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the spatial frequency content of natural ...
Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 41 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 25 attēlus, 2 tabulas, 3 pielikumus...
Saccadic eye movements, which rapidly and accurately guide our gaze from one point of interest to an...
Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 46 lapaspusēm un sastāv no 22 attēliem, 4 tabulām un 30 atsau...
The authors investigated mechanisms involved in transformation of spatially extended targets into sa...
AbstractNormal human saccadic reaction times (SRTs) have been thought to be approximately 200ms. The...
AbstractWe characterised the impact of spatial frequency and contrast on saccade latencies to single...
AbstractWe compared the spatio-temporal tuning of perception to the mechanisms that drive saccadic e...
Saccadic latencies are known to change as a function of target eccentricity and size. Recently, it h...
The latency of saccades, defined as the interval between target presentation and the beginning of ey...
International audienceTwo experiments are reported that studied changes in saccade latencies (SLs) i...
A growing number of studies in vision research employ analyses of how perturbations in visual stimul...
The choice of where to look in a visual scene depends on visual processing of information from poten...
International audienceWe have previously shown that when a stimulus consisting of two concentric rin...
AbstractThe choice of where to look in a visual scene depends on visual processing of information fr...
Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the spatial frequency content of natural ...