Risk management deals with three types of financial risks: market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. Much has been written about both market and credit risk but substantially less has been written about liquidity risk. Liquidity risk has been modelled for securities as a supply curve where the price obtained in a trade of a given security is reflected not only in the time of the trade but also in the size and direction (buy or sell orders). In this thesis, data provided by the Icelandic Stock Exchange is used to examine the supply curve, and thus the liquidity, of three bonds traded in Iceland. Four different models for the supply curve will be presented and fitted to actual data. The supply curve is shown to exist and therefore it is sh...
The Nordic corporate bond market is a market growing in significance of the financial landscape, but...
The financial markets in Iceland have endured immense volatility in the last 10 years. The 2008 fina...
Lánasjóður íslenskra námsmanna gegnir mikilvægu hlutverki í íslensku samfélagi. Hlutverk hans er að ...
This thesis estimates the term structure of interest rates for the Icelandic Nominal and Indexed bon...
Í kjölfar bankahrunsins sem varð á Íslandi haustið 2008 var gripið til þess ráðs að setja á gjaldeyr...
Viðfangsefni ritgerðarinnar er skuldatryggingaálag íslenska ríkisins og tengsl þess við ávöxtunarkrö...
The main objective of this thesis is to identify and measure explanatory factors of observed credit ...
In this thesis a corporate bond valuation model based on Dick-Nielsen, Feldhütter, and Lando (2011) ...
Viðskiptafræðideild hefur samþykkt lokun þessarar ritgerðar til 10.07 2015.Í rannsókn þessari voru s...
Bond markets are crucial for the stability and efficiency of the national financial system. Low liqu...
This thesis attempts to evaluate how the rules regarding the actuarial valuation of the pension fund...
This thesis refines the measurement and prediction of liquidity in bond markets. In the first part, ...
Online consumer lending in Iceland has seen significant growth in the past years. With online applic...
Stuttu eftir fjármálahrunið árið 2008 tóku seðlabankar víðs vegar um heiminn að aðlaga peningastefnu...
Thesis (M.A.)--Özyeğin University, Graduate School of Business, Department of Business, June 2016.Ma...
The Nordic corporate bond market is a market growing in significance of the financial landscape, but...
The financial markets in Iceland have endured immense volatility in the last 10 years. The 2008 fina...
Lánasjóður íslenskra námsmanna gegnir mikilvægu hlutverki í íslensku samfélagi. Hlutverk hans er að ...
This thesis estimates the term structure of interest rates for the Icelandic Nominal and Indexed bon...
Í kjölfar bankahrunsins sem varð á Íslandi haustið 2008 var gripið til þess ráðs að setja á gjaldeyr...
Viðfangsefni ritgerðarinnar er skuldatryggingaálag íslenska ríkisins og tengsl þess við ávöxtunarkrö...
The main objective of this thesis is to identify and measure explanatory factors of observed credit ...
In this thesis a corporate bond valuation model based on Dick-Nielsen, Feldhütter, and Lando (2011) ...
Viðskiptafræðideild hefur samþykkt lokun þessarar ritgerðar til 10.07 2015.Í rannsókn þessari voru s...
Bond markets are crucial for the stability and efficiency of the national financial system. Low liqu...
This thesis attempts to evaluate how the rules regarding the actuarial valuation of the pension fund...
This thesis refines the measurement and prediction of liquidity in bond markets. In the first part, ...
Online consumer lending in Iceland has seen significant growth in the past years. With online applic...
Stuttu eftir fjármálahrunið árið 2008 tóku seðlabankar víðs vegar um heiminn að aðlaga peningastefnu...
Thesis (M.A.)--Özyeğin University, Graduate School of Business, Department of Business, June 2016.Ma...
The Nordic corporate bond market is a market growing in significance of the financial landscape, but...
The financial markets in Iceland have endured immense volatility in the last 10 years. The 2008 fina...
Lánasjóður íslenskra námsmanna gegnir mikilvægu hlutverki í íslensku samfélagi. Hlutverk hans er að ...