The purpose of this study is to shed light on the experiences of professionally educated individuals who have immigrated to Iceland and their subsequent accounts of obtaining recognition and validation for their educational degrees and career experience. Qualitative methods were used to acquire an understanding of the typical obstacles that immigrants holding professional degrees have encountered and the effects that these obstacles have had on their adjustment to living in Iceland. Data was acquired through personal interviews with seven individuals from ages 32-53. The results show that the career paths of professionals attempting to use their qualifications in Iceland can be rough and stony. On the other hand, the results of this researc...
This study explores the perspectives of immigrant parents towards their children’s educational exper...
Fólki af erlendum uppruna hefur fjölgað mjög á Íslandi undanfarna áratugi. Menntakerfi gegna mikilvæ...
Miklar stefnubreytingar í málefnum innflytjenda hafa átt sér stað á Íslandi undanfarin ár og áratugi...
Á Íslandi er munur á því hvort innflytjandi kemur frá landi sem tilheyrir EES samningunum um frjálst...
People have always migrated to different countries but their motivations vary. Whatever the reasons ...
Literature concerning immigration or single-parenting respectively is abundant, but there is limited...
Immigration requires adaptability to change, including adjustments to a new country’s language and s...
Í alþjóðavæddari heimi, eru nemendur með alþjóðlegan bakgrunn ört vaxandi hópur í íslenskum skólum. ...
The growing multicultural environment that schools at all school levels face needs teachers and educ...
The aim of this study is to explore what situations immigrant single-parent families face in Icelan...
Mobility has shaped much of our contemporary world, including the tourism industry. In addition to m...
This is a study conducted on the perspective of 17 immigrant students aged 13-16 towards their Engli...
Ritgerðin byggir á rannsókn sem fjallar um upplifanir níu Íslendinga á innflytjendaferli og búsetu í...
Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Fjölgun innflytjenda í háskólum á Íslandi kallar á viðbrögð háskó...
Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að varpa ljósi á reynslu pólskra innflytjenda á Íslandi af mati og viður...
This study explores the perspectives of immigrant parents towards their children’s educational exper...
Fólki af erlendum uppruna hefur fjölgað mjög á Íslandi undanfarna áratugi. Menntakerfi gegna mikilvæ...
Miklar stefnubreytingar í málefnum innflytjenda hafa átt sér stað á Íslandi undanfarin ár og áratugi...
Á Íslandi er munur á því hvort innflytjandi kemur frá landi sem tilheyrir EES samningunum um frjálst...
People have always migrated to different countries but their motivations vary. Whatever the reasons ...
Literature concerning immigration or single-parenting respectively is abundant, but there is limited...
Immigration requires adaptability to change, including adjustments to a new country’s language and s...
Í alþjóðavæddari heimi, eru nemendur með alþjóðlegan bakgrunn ört vaxandi hópur í íslenskum skólum. ...
The growing multicultural environment that schools at all school levels face needs teachers and educ...
The aim of this study is to explore what situations immigrant single-parent families face in Icelan...
Mobility has shaped much of our contemporary world, including the tourism industry. In addition to m...
This is a study conducted on the perspective of 17 immigrant students aged 13-16 towards their Engli...
Ritgerðin byggir á rannsókn sem fjallar um upplifanir níu Íslendinga á innflytjendaferli og búsetu í...
Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Fjölgun innflytjenda í háskólum á Íslandi kallar á viðbrögð háskó...
Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að varpa ljósi á reynslu pólskra innflytjenda á Íslandi af mati og viður...
This study explores the perspectives of immigrant parents towards their children’s educational exper...
Fólki af erlendum uppruna hefur fjölgað mjög á Íslandi undanfarna áratugi. Menntakerfi gegna mikilvæ...
Miklar stefnubreytingar í málefnum innflytjenda hafa átt sér stað á Íslandi undanfarin ár og áratugi...