Although much attention has been given to urbanization and rural development issues in Iceland, their effect on communities vulnerability to environmental hazards has so far been given less attention. This study assesses the impact that urbanization in Iceland has on the socio-economic conditions that commonly affect the preparedness for, susceptibility to, and ability to recover from the possible impact of environmental hazards. The study applies a social vulnerability index-assessment to identify how a variety of socio-economic variables combine to produce different levels of social vulnerability in Icelandic municipalities. Six components, consisting in total of 17 socio-economic variables, were identified as either increasing or decreas...
Tilgangur þessa verkefnis var að kanna tengsl líkinda á fátækt og efnislegs skorts við andlega og l...
Icelandic coastal communities have been experiencing a growing risk to their socio-economic and demo...
Public support of development cooperation in high-income countries, including humanitarian assistanc...
Félagsauður (e. social capital) er hugtak sem var fyrst notað af Hanifan árið 1916. Í hugtakinu fela...
Fátækt er að finna í öllum samfélögum heims og Ísland er þar ekki undanskilið. Tilgangur verkefnisin...
Íbúar Stokkseyrar búa við náttúruvá. Þorpið er staðsett á Suðurlandsbrotabeltinu og býr þar af leiða...
The effects of floods in coastal urban areas can be considerable, given the number and concentration...
Alþjóðavæðingunni fleytir hratt fram og með hraðri tækniþróun í samgöngum, fjarskiptum og iðnaði, ey...
Ritgerðin er lokuð til 31.05.2023Natural hazards exacerbated by climate change and the adaptation me...
The goal of risk and vulnerability research is to reduce the harm done by disasters. A disaster is a...
Reducing health disparities across geographic regions is an important aim and in accordance with the...
Food insecurity is a major worldwide problem. This problem is only likely to grow as food prices inc...
The 2014-2015 eruption at the subglacial Barðarbunga volcanic system heightened awareness of volcani...
This dissertation investigates how far Iceland’s economic security challenges can be identified and ...
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenIntr...
Tilgangur þessa verkefnis var að kanna tengsl líkinda á fátækt og efnislegs skorts við andlega og l...
Icelandic coastal communities have been experiencing a growing risk to their socio-economic and demo...
Public support of development cooperation in high-income countries, including humanitarian assistanc...
Félagsauður (e. social capital) er hugtak sem var fyrst notað af Hanifan árið 1916. Í hugtakinu fela...
Fátækt er að finna í öllum samfélögum heims og Ísland er þar ekki undanskilið. Tilgangur verkefnisin...
Íbúar Stokkseyrar búa við náttúruvá. Þorpið er staðsett á Suðurlandsbrotabeltinu og býr þar af leiða...
The effects of floods in coastal urban areas can be considerable, given the number and concentration...
Alþjóðavæðingunni fleytir hratt fram og með hraðri tækniþróun í samgöngum, fjarskiptum og iðnaði, ey...
Ritgerðin er lokuð til 31.05.2023Natural hazards exacerbated by climate change and the adaptation me...
The goal of risk and vulnerability research is to reduce the harm done by disasters. A disaster is a...
Reducing health disparities across geographic regions is an important aim and in accordance with the...
Food insecurity is a major worldwide problem. This problem is only likely to grow as food prices inc...
The 2014-2015 eruption at the subglacial Barðarbunga volcanic system heightened awareness of volcani...
This dissertation investigates how far Iceland’s economic security challenges can be identified and ...
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenIntr...
Tilgangur þessa verkefnis var að kanna tengsl líkinda á fátækt og efnislegs skorts við andlega og l...
Icelandic coastal communities have been experiencing a growing risk to their socio-economic and demo...
Public support of development cooperation in high-income countries, including humanitarian assistanc...