Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að greina kjósendur róttækra hægriflokka á Norðurlöndunum og íslensk skoðanasystkini þeirra út frá viðhorfum þeirra til innflytjenda og tilhneigingu til hægri valdboðshyggju og félagslegrar drottnunargirni. Rannsóknin var unnin upp úr gögnum úr sjöttu umferð European Social Survey og náði til danskra, finnskra, íslenskra, norskra og sænskra þátttakenda. Út frá heimildum um róttæka hægriflokka á Norðulöndunum, þróun umræðunnar um innflytjendur á Íslandi og fyrri rannsóknum á hægri valdboðshyggju og félagslegri drottnunargirni voru settar fram þrjár tilgátur sem allar voru studdar að hluta til. Öfugt við það sem gert var ráð fyrir reyndist hægri valdboðshyggja ekki einkennandi fyrir kjósendur róttækra hægri...
Combining new quantitative and qualitative data, this article first describes and compares the evolu...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai Vācijas, Apvienotās Karalistes un Latvijas radikāli labējām...
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the extent to which European electorates have opinions that are...
Magistro darbe analizuojamas radikalios dešinės partijų iškilimas Šiaurės šalyse (Danijoje, Norvegij...
Markmið þessarar ritgerðar var að svara þeirri spurningu hvers vegna róttækur hægri flokkur finnst e...
In recent decades, established political parties across Europe have become increasingly challenged b...
The Nordic countries are geographically, culturally and politically close, and have all witnessed an...
Extreme right-wing political parties and movements are growing in number and size all over Europe an...
Den här studien för samman Karen Stenners politisk-psykologiska teori om den "auktoritära dynamiken"...
This thesis examines four Nordic countries’ problem representations on the area of democratic tolera...
Over the last years, Europe has witnessed the rise of a new political party family, the RRP (Radical...
The term 'populist radical right parties' often occurs in media, among experts or as a frequently di...
The populist radical right party family is a relatively new phenomenon in Europe and is often seen a...
Ovaj rad ima za cilj opisati biračke profile radikala u Europi, točnije u Švedskoj, Poljskoj i Itali...
In recent years Sweden has witnessed an unprecedented electoral support for the radical right in dom...
Combining new quantitative and qualitative data, this article first describes and compares the evolu...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai Vācijas, Apvienotās Karalistes un Latvijas radikāli labējām...
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the extent to which European electorates have opinions that are...
Magistro darbe analizuojamas radikalios dešinės partijų iškilimas Šiaurės šalyse (Danijoje, Norvegij...
Markmið þessarar ritgerðar var að svara þeirri spurningu hvers vegna róttækur hægri flokkur finnst e...
In recent decades, established political parties across Europe have become increasingly challenged b...
The Nordic countries are geographically, culturally and politically close, and have all witnessed an...
Extreme right-wing political parties and movements are growing in number and size all over Europe an...
Den här studien för samman Karen Stenners politisk-psykologiska teori om den "auktoritära dynamiken"...
This thesis examines four Nordic countries’ problem representations on the area of democratic tolera...
Over the last years, Europe has witnessed the rise of a new political party family, the RRP (Radical...
The term 'populist radical right parties' often occurs in media, among experts or as a frequently di...
The populist radical right party family is a relatively new phenomenon in Europe and is often seen a...
Ovaj rad ima za cilj opisati biračke profile radikala u Europi, točnije u Švedskoj, Poljskoj i Itali...
In recent years Sweden has witnessed an unprecedented electoral support for the radical right in dom...
Combining new quantitative and qualitative data, this article first describes and compares the evolu...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai Vācijas, Apvienotās Karalistes un Latvijas radikāli labējām...
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the extent to which European electorates have opinions that are...