Collected by Irene Carlisle Transcribed by Nathaniel Lucy Told by James M. Walden Busch, Arkansas Reel 140 Talk: Pioneer Reminiscences and Fence Building by the Moon James M. Walden: . . . My father settled that farm in 1856. He was from Tennessee. Well he came from Tennessee to Missouri and from Missouri down to here. But he made his first crop over there in 1857 and that's been in our family from that day on. Of course that boy wouldn't sell it now for no price. And I remember we didn't have nothing, just the old rail fences. And I lived back in that day and time where there was no such a thing as a cook stove in this country nowhere. Irene Carlisle: . . . cook? Walden: Well the fireplace, the old Dutch oven. That was all the cooking. Eit...