Coll. by M.C. Parler Long Grove Negro Baptist Church Patterson, Ark. Oct. 25, 1953 Reel 163 Midday Sermon (extracts) Ah When Jesus strike Like a ball of fire Ah ha When he strike, brother You can't hold your peace Sometime When I'm on my job, brother I get to praying to the Master Telling him all about my tribulations Trials Sometime when I get to praying I can't hold my peace Sometime I get to crying I don't care who hears me Sometime I get to praying I don't care who hears me I going to let the world know I'm crying, Lord And I'm not ashamed I say it's no harm to call on Jesus Jesus has all power I declare he's your water When the world has turned its back on you I declare he'll be a friend for you Oh yes He's your friend In the time of t...