Begins on page 2 of the transcriptRoy V. Simpson Fayetteville, Arkansas November 13, 1951 (Collected by Irene Carlisle) Reel 134 Items 1-6 I (Roy V. Simpson) was born in the mountains near Pine Ridge, Arkansas, and spent about thirty years o' my l i f e in that section. I knew a good many characters who showed a good deal of the individualism of the backwoods; among those was one Uncle Riley Runnels, on whom a good many stories are told. One of my favorites was the story of how he divided the rent corn. Uncle Riley had rented a field and put it in corn. The idea, as is usual in the countryside, was that he would pay one-third the corn as rent to the landlord. Came f a l l , and Uncle Riley asked his landlord how he should divide the corn. T...