voiceCollected by Irene Carlisle Transcribed by Nathaniel Lucy Sung by Charles Cagle Bethel Grove, Arkansas June 11, 1951 Reel 122, Item 1 I Bought Me a Cat Irene Carlisle: Now Mr. Charlie Cagle is going to sing another little song that his mother taught him when he was a small child. I bought me a cat, the cat pleased me Fed my cat on yonders tree Cat says fiddlo-fee Bought me a hen, the hen pleased me Fed my hen on yonders tree Hen said shim-shack, shim-shack Cat says fiddlo-fee Bought me a hog and the hog pleased me Fed my hog on yonders tree Hog said grivly-gravly Hen said shim-shack, shim-shack Cat says fiddlo-fee Bought me a dog, the dog pleased me Fed my dog on yonders tree Dog said bow-wow And the hog said grivly-gravly Hen said shi...