Collected by Mary Celestia Parler; Transcribed by Neil Byer Jimmie Morris Timbo, Ark. November 6, 1954 Reel 215, Item 2 Cross Bow Key Tuning JM: I don't know whether cross bow key started here in the land of the cross bow or not. I don't think so. Cross bow key is, if for instance you want to play in A, you tune your fiddle up to A, so that you have harmony clear across the strings. And if you want to play in D, you tune it up to D. I have this old fiddle tuned up now to A, and we'll play a little of, oh, "Sally Goodin." This may not be very well in tune, but we'll see. . . (plays fiddle). I've got to tune this fiddle. We had an old fiddler here once by the name of Wayne Morrison. He was a cousin to the famous Absie and Abbie twins. Absie l...