voiceCollected by Mary Celestia Parler; Transcribed by Neil Byer Jimmie Morris Timbo, Ark. November 5, 1954 Reel 213, Item 5 The Export Girl 'Twas in the town of Export; the town where I did dwell, 'Twas in the town of Export, I owned a flour mill, I fell in love with a fine young girl with a dark and rolling eye, I promised I would marry her if me she'd never deny. Then I fell in love with another one, that I loved just as well, The devil put it in my head the first I loved to kill, I said to her, "We'll take a walk out on the meadow wide"; And little did I dream that I was goin' to take her life. We walked along; we talked along, till we came to a level ground, Then picking up a club of hedge, I knocked that fair maid down; Then falling o...