voiceColl. by M.C. Parler Sung by Mrs. Miner Griffin Conway, Ark. December 12, 1953 Heel 179 Item 5 He Never Came Back A soldier kissed his wife goodbye, He was going to the war, The tears they trickled down his cheeks, For the one he did adore, Be faithful until my return, My own sweetheart, he cried, But at the battle of Bull Hun, He like a soldier died, He never came back, ho he never came back, His dear face she'd never see more, For happy she'll be when his dear face she'll see, When they meet on the beautiful shore. A country jake from off the farm, Came in to see our town, And registered at the Smith hotel, As Mr. Hayseed Brown, He took his keys and went upstairs, With whiskers green as grass, Pulled off his boots, jumped into bed, A...