voiceCollected by M.C. Parler amd Electa Smith Transcribed by Linda Humphrey Sung by Bea Jones Rt.1, Springdale, Ark. Feb. 6. 1964 Reel 437 Item 6 Groundhog Song Shouldered up my gun, and whistled to my dog, Shouldered up my gun, and whistled to my dog, Going to the mountains For to catch a ground hog, groundhog. There's one in the rock and two in the log, There's one in the rock and two in the log, And I heard him whistle And I knowed he was a hog, groundhog. Run here Sal, with a big long pole, Run here,Sal, with a big long pole. And oost that whistle pig. Grab him by the tail and pull him right out, Grab him by the tail and pull him right out, Lord God-a-mighty, Ain't a whistle-pig stout? Groundhog. Take him home and tan his hide, Take hi...