voiceCollected by Merlin Mitchell Transcribed by Kyle Perrin Reel 30 Item 4 Fred Woodruff Lincoln, Ark. March 30, 1950 Jonah and the Whale I am going down the river in my l i t t l e g u l f barray(?) Like Noah in his good old ark, Keep them candle l i g h t s burning, keep them burning a l l the while, Or y o u ' l l lose yourself and . . . in the dark. If you're heart a i n ' t right and pure, The Devil will get you sure, So get you ready for that awful judgment day, Get your baggage or the deck, And don't forget to take your check, For you can't be long aboard, Hideaway. Let our childern take our warning and don't mistake the charge While they are a-loading(?) , l e t your motor running, too. And she's l i a b l e to bust the boiler up a...