fiddles; guitars69 Played by Mr. Raymond Martin and Mr. Dean Ramsey Prairie Grove, Arkansas November 13, 1960 Reel 372, Item 1 "Possum Up A Persimmon Tree" (A Fiddle Tune) Collected by James S. A. Collins, Daniel I. Hall, and Thommie D. Herndon For M. C. Parler70 Dan: That sounds like that old tune, "Lay That Pistol Down", doesn't it? They sort of stole the music from it didn't they? Ray! No, that's the old original "Possum Up A Persimmon Tree." Dan: Sounds like that new one, though. They stole the music from it. Goldie: Sounds a little like "Boil That Cabbage Down." Ray: Boil those cabbage down and make those hoecakes brown. Jim: While we're at it, wo want to get that "Peekaboo Waltz," too. Ray! "Peekaboo Waltz." Dan: Goldie, you're going ...