voice; guitarsSung by Dan Yocum Ft. Smith, Ark. July 15, 1965 Reel 374 Item 5 Collected by Dan Yocum For M.C. Parler Folklore Class Sing-A-Bout Transcribed by Linda Humphrey (While the streets were all forsaken] While the streets were all forsaken On that sad and fateful night, And no one was thinking of the horror. They thought not of the fate so cruel, They thought not of the blow That was to break so many a heart And lay so many low. The wind it blew in fitful gusts, The rain was falling light, And coming through the darkness Was that horror that night. Bot Whitely said to ____________ Sleeping on a bed so near, And men dreaming of their homes And the ones they love so dear.While the Streets . . . continued While the streets were all for...