voice; banjos4 Name: Benson and Fleecy Fox Place: Leslie, Arkansas Date: 5/4/62 Reel 418, Item 1 (This is an adaptation of Early, Early in the Spring.) IN THE LAND OF FRANCE I once loved a lady, and I loved her well, I loved her more than tongue can tell, I loved her so, I did not know but away to the war I had to go. I landed in France one day in May, It was a cold and stormy day. It was over there I had to roam And in those cold trenches make my home. In those cold tranches I had to stay In the land of France so far away I almost shivered with grief and dread As I gazed upon the dying and dead. Come all you boys to you I'll tell And now we bid old France fairwell. The roaring shells now ceased their noise, Give peace once more to the U. ...