[handwritten on recycled paper] Deville, Winston Col. La marriage contracts Vol III Port of Point Coupee 1736-1803 p20 7 Sept 1772 Pierre Bouron - major age; native of Montreal, Canada Jeanne Pernet - minor day of Joseph Pernet and Jeanne Viard Wit for groom: Michel Richer called Frederic; Antoine Allemonds Wit for bride: Jean Baptiste Leonard, her beau-frère; Guillaume Recuror [?] called Dauphine, her godfather /s/ Antoine Allemond, Le Geau Jean Olliner Frederic Richer; Missionniere; Balthazare DeVillier Point Coupee Records Jeanne Pernay b. 13 June 1758 day of D'esprit [?] Joseph Pernet [manuscript illegible] Ibid p 17 - 26 May 1772 Jean Baptiste Leonard M. Agnes SOURDIN, dau of Antoine Sourdin + Jeanne VIA