Pierre Brinsbard end Isabelle _(sic), native of Kaskaskia, Illinois, and living In this parish, to MARIE LOUISE ST. JAMES BAUVAIS, minor daughter of Jean Antoine St. James Bauvaus and Selleste Le Tellier, born in Kaskaskia and living in this parish, Wit: Joseph Bougis, Andre Fagot, Antoine Pinot, friends. (No. 7 - MV p 56) 18 Feb 1798 - ANDRE FAGOT, native of Kaskaskia, Illinois, of legal age, son of Daniel Fagot le Garciniere and Genevieve Montbrun de Bonaceuil, to CATHERINE PINEAU, born in this parish, minor daughter of Antoine Pinaeu and Catherine Pertuis, present and consenting. Wit: Charles de Vilemont, Captain of the Louisiana Regiment and Commandant Military and Civil of this Post, Charles Refelt "negotiant", Charles...