[Handwritten notes by Dorothy Core] I found a few notes in other material of La Hist: + Red Church Material also. RED CHURCH 1) Genevieve Chenal (Cheval) d/o Francois & Marguerite Colombe April 27, 1745, m Antoine Rousseau of Natchez s/o Nicolas + Anne de Granelle 2) Catherine Cheval & d/o Francois + Marguerite Colombe m. Dec 28, 1745 Etienne Major s/o Etienne + Angelique Proto Pte Coupee records: 1) Catherine, widow Etienne Basseron, called Major (no parents) m. Sept 18, 1755, Geo. Olivo (Pierre + M. Magd Cable) 2) Francois, 45, of Argentau, St Thomas, Normandy, drowned accidentally, bur Sept 19, 1754 3) Genevieve, of St Charles, in 2nd mar of Jean Pierre Verret m. Nov 9 1751, Francois Croizet, Cooper (Francois + Jeanne Bon...