14 St Charles Original Acts, 1772 No. 47 LAND SALE. Dame Marianne, Widow LeComte, declares that she has 9-29-72 sold to Nicolas Picou a farm 3 arpents wide by the customary depth, located about 36 miles from New Orleans on the left side of the river, bounded above by the property of the vendee and below by that belonging to Marguerite Meilleurs, for 175 livres. Witnesses: Henri Millon and Michel Meilleur. No. 48 LAND SALE. Louis Barbet sells to Joseph Dursieau, former in- 10-18-72 fantry officer, a farm 7 arpents wide by the customary depth, located about 25 miles above New Orleans on the left side of the river, bounded above by the property of Glapion and below by that o...