Issue of the Catholic periodical and literature index, The Sign.The Catholic College That Disappeared, by Edward Wakin Airborne Twins, by Edward Sullivan Africa's New Elite, A Picture Story What Pope John Really Wanted, by E. E. Y. Hales What A Wife Expects In Her Husband, by Msgr. George Kelly The Benedictines, by Milton Lomask Discipline, by Dr. Haim Ginott The Fox And The Gentle Maiden, by Agnes Frances White Ecumenism--Two-Way Street, by Ralph Gorman, C.P. Current Fact And Comment New Man At C.B.S., by George Gent Movie Reviews, by Jerry Cotter Play Reviews, by Arthur Cavanaugh Letters Watch That Temper!, by Leo J. Trese People Woman To Woman, by Katherine Burton Our Lady's Assumption, A Poem by Eileen Surles,...