Abstrak Penjahat perbankkan termasuk dalam kategori penjahat yang memberikan kerugian yang tidak sedikit. Penjahat perbankkan merupakan sosok pelaku kejahatan yang mengakibatkan timbulnya banyak keresahan di tengah masyarakat. Siapa yang menjadi pelakunya dicap sebagai perampas hak ekonomi (economical right) orang lain. Menurut data yang didapat oleh Bank Indonesia (BI), setiap tahunnya tingkat kejahatan perbankan mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan. Pada Mei 2012 ada 1009 kasus fraud yang terjadi dengan nilai kerugian 2,37 milyar.Kata kunci: kejahatan perbankkan, hukum, viktimologis AbstractBank criminals are included in the category of criminals who provide not small losses. Bank criminals are the perpetrators of crimes tha...
Based on the results of this study it is known that all court decisions fully adhere to the principl...
Various cases banking criminal acts (fraud in the banking sector which detrimental to...
Human economic life at this time is closely related to banking. Banking serves as a crutch to help t...
Tindak pidana perbankkan dalam perpektif hukum Indonesia berpijak pada hukum positip, diantaranya be...
Abstak: Kejahatan perbankan semakin berkembang modus operandinya, terlebih dengan kemajuan teknologi...
Bahwa Tindak Pidana pada dasarnya merupakan suatu perbuatan tercela yang dapat merugikan banyak kepe...
Abstak: Kejahatan perbankan semakin berkembang modus operandinya, terlebih dengan kemajuan teknologi...
Abstract Not all articles of the banking law can ensnare perpetrators of criminal acts as regulated ...
Abstract Not all articles of the banking law can ensnare perpetrators of criminal acts as regulated ...
Semakin maraknya kejahatan perbankan yang terjadi saat ini, mengakibatkan perlunya penguatan atas se...
As we have seen that corporation te Criminal Code is not the matter of criminal law, so corporation ...
Economic crimes attract enough these days. Types of crimes that damage the joints of the economic li...
Di Indonesia telah banyak rangkaian peristiwa yang menimpa industri perbankkan seolah tidak berujun...
Economic crimes attract enough these days. Types of crimes that damage the joints of the economic li...
Based on the results of this study it is known that all court decisions fully adhere to the principl...
Based on the results of this study it is known that all court decisions fully adhere to the principl...
Various cases banking criminal acts (fraud in the banking sector which detrimental to...
Human economic life at this time is closely related to banking. Banking serves as a crutch to help t...
Tindak pidana perbankkan dalam perpektif hukum Indonesia berpijak pada hukum positip, diantaranya be...
Abstak: Kejahatan perbankan semakin berkembang modus operandinya, terlebih dengan kemajuan teknologi...
Bahwa Tindak Pidana pada dasarnya merupakan suatu perbuatan tercela yang dapat merugikan banyak kepe...
Abstak: Kejahatan perbankan semakin berkembang modus operandinya, terlebih dengan kemajuan teknologi...
Abstract Not all articles of the banking law can ensnare perpetrators of criminal acts as regulated ...
Abstract Not all articles of the banking law can ensnare perpetrators of criminal acts as regulated ...
Semakin maraknya kejahatan perbankan yang terjadi saat ini, mengakibatkan perlunya penguatan atas se...
As we have seen that corporation te Criminal Code is not the matter of criminal law, so corporation ...
Economic crimes attract enough these days. Types of crimes that damage the joints of the economic li...
Di Indonesia telah banyak rangkaian peristiwa yang menimpa industri perbankkan seolah tidak berujun...
Economic crimes attract enough these days. Types of crimes that damage the joints of the economic li...
Based on the results of this study it is known that all court decisions fully adhere to the principl...
Based on the results of this study it is known that all court decisions fully adhere to the principl...
Various cases banking criminal acts (fraud in the banking sector which detrimental to...
Human economic life at this time is closely related to banking. Banking serves as a crutch to help t...