He was born on Sept 29, 1796. He died on February 11, 1828, in Troy New York.https://digitalworks.un...
Born in 1798. Mayor of Rochester. Died in 1881.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1819/1022/...
Carte de Visite of 1st Lieutenant Charles Dexter, Company A, 5th Maine Infantry; From the Maine Stat...
Born in 1795 at Albany, and died in 1867 at Albany. He was a Lawyer.https://digitalworks.union.edu/a...
Born 1799 in Albany, NY and died 1883. Graduated Union College with full honors, studied law, and la...
A resident of Brutus, NY, he died in 1829.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1828/1061/thumb...
James Davis born at North Kingston, RI, was a lawyer. He died 1868.https://digitalworks.union.edu/al...
Born May 12, 1804 in Duanesburg, NY. Studied medicine in Paris for several years. Died in Schenectad...
Born in 1796. Began practicing law in 1821. State senator for two years. Died of acute kidney diseas...
Born in New York City. Died in New Orleans on August 3, 1834 of Yellow Fever. His father was preside...
Born in 1799. District attorney and judge. Died 1887.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1819...
Born in New York City on February 23, 1799. Non-graduate. He was a druggist, a farmer, and later a b...
Penobscot County Atlas published 1875. Pages 22 & 23: Dexter.https://digitalmaine.com/atlas_penobsco...
Born December 1, 1792. He was a lawyer in Fort Plain, New York. Died 1866.https://digitalworks.union...
Born in Canterbury, Connecticut in 1802. He was a physician in Hartford, Connecticut and died 1879.h...
He was born on Sept 29, 1796. He died on February 11, 1828, in Troy New York.https://digitalworks.un...
Born in 1798. Mayor of Rochester. Died in 1881.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1819/1022/...
Carte de Visite of 1st Lieutenant Charles Dexter, Company A, 5th Maine Infantry; From the Maine Stat...
Born in 1795 at Albany, and died in 1867 at Albany. He was a Lawyer.https://digitalworks.union.edu/a...
Born 1799 in Albany, NY and died 1883. Graduated Union College with full honors, studied law, and la...
A resident of Brutus, NY, he died in 1829.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1828/1061/thumb...
James Davis born at North Kingston, RI, was a lawyer. He died 1868.https://digitalworks.union.edu/al...
Born May 12, 1804 in Duanesburg, NY. Studied medicine in Paris for several years. Died in Schenectad...
Born in 1796. Began practicing law in 1821. State senator for two years. Died of acute kidney diseas...
Born in New York City. Died in New Orleans on August 3, 1834 of Yellow Fever. His father was preside...
Born in 1799. District attorney and judge. Died 1887.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1819...
Born in New York City on February 23, 1799. Non-graduate. He was a druggist, a farmer, and later a b...
Penobscot County Atlas published 1875. Pages 22 & 23: Dexter.https://digitalmaine.com/atlas_penobsco...
Born December 1, 1792. He was a lawyer in Fort Plain, New York. Died 1866.https://digitalworks.union...
Born in Canterbury, Connecticut in 1802. He was a physician in Hartford, Connecticut and died 1879.h...
He was born on Sept 29, 1796. He died on February 11, 1828, in Troy New York.https://digitalworks.un...
Born in 1798. Mayor of Rochester. Died in 1881.https://digitalworks.union.edu/alumnifiles_1819/1022/...
Carte de Visite of 1st Lieutenant Charles Dexter, Company A, 5th Maine Infantry; From the Maine Stat...