Effectiveness And Efficiency Analysis Revenue Levies At the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Central Bengkulu District. To increase the levies is necessary to the effectiveness and efficiency of the reception levies. One of them through the subject and object of local revenue, thereby increasing the productivity of PAD. The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of reception levies on the Department of Revenue, Asset Finance Central Bengkulu regency. Methods of data collection using documentation. The analytical tool used is the ratio of the effectiveness and efficiency ratios. The results showed that the effectiveness of retribution Central Bengkulu Regency in the year 2012 amounted to 24.69% and the cr...
SYAHRIANDI, Effectiveness and Revenue (PAD) of East Kutai Regency, under the guidance of Mr. LCA Rob...
Abstract. The paper aims to determine the amount of contribution from the local retribution toward L...
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of local revenues with a case study on Kabupaten Batub...
The study was conducted in Bantul, for research purposesprovides an overview of (1) the effectivenes...
This study aimed to analyze the level of achievement of tax effort, effectiveness, contribution and ...
Ahmad Soleh, Wagini, Vero Agustin; Market Levy is a charge withdrawn by the Department of Industry a...
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of collecting market retribution in Sumb...
Formulation of the problem in this study is whether the Revenue Budget at the Department of Revenue ...
Market retribution market is one of sources of local revenue in Hulu Sungai Utara. The purpose of t...
This aim of this research is (1) the effectiveness of local taxes at North Maluku Province (2) the e...
This aim of this research is (1) the effectiveness of local taxes at North Maluku Province (2) the e...
This research aims to examine how much the effectiveness source of the local goverment income and th...
This study aims to analyze the contribution and potential of regional retibusi in terms of the varia...
The purpose of the study to analyze the effectiveness, efficiency, and contribution of Taxes and Lev...
This study aims to analyze the contribution and potential of regional retibusi in terms of the varia...
SYAHRIANDI, Effectiveness and Revenue (PAD) of East Kutai Regency, under the guidance of Mr. LCA Rob...
Abstract. The paper aims to determine the amount of contribution from the local retribution toward L...
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of local revenues with a case study on Kabupaten Batub...
The study was conducted in Bantul, for research purposesprovides an overview of (1) the effectivenes...
This study aimed to analyze the level of achievement of tax effort, effectiveness, contribution and ...
Ahmad Soleh, Wagini, Vero Agustin; Market Levy is a charge withdrawn by the Department of Industry a...
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of collecting market retribution in Sumb...
Formulation of the problem in this study is whether the Revenue Budget at the Department of Revenue ...
Market retribution market is one of sources of local revenue in Hulu Sungai Utara. The purpose of t...
This aim of this research is (1) the effectiveness of local taxes at North Maluku Province (2) the e...
This aim of this research is (1) the effectiveness of local taxes at North Maluku Province (2) the e...
This research aims to examine how much the effectiveness source of the local goverment income and th...
This study aims to analyze the contribution and potential of regional retibusi in terms of the varia...
The purpose of the study to analyze the effectiveness, efficiency, and contribution of Taxes and Lev...
This study aims to analyze the contribution and potential of regional retibusi in terms of the varia...
SYAHRIANDI, Effectiveness and Revenue (PAD) of East Kutai Regency, under the guidance of Mr. LCA Rob...
Abstract. The paper aims to determine the amount of contribution from the local retribution toward L...
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of local revenues with a case study on Kabupaten Batub...