In this paper the authors will highlight Nasr Hamid understanding of theQur'an which he wrote in two controversial book , namely understand al - Nas ; Dirosah fiulumil Qur'an ( Beirut : al - Markaz al- tsaqofah al - Arabi . Fifth Edition . 2000) andnaqd al - khitab al - Dini . ( Cairo : Sina li al - Nasr . First edition . 1992) . Thebottom line stating the Qur'an as Muntaj Tsaqofi and also Muntij li al - Thaqafah andQur'an also he regarded as plain text like other texts , has become " the talk " amongMuslim scholars and not to miss in it 's role as well as the Orientalists . In terms of theinterpretation of the Qur'an , Muhammad Nasr Hamid position as early exegetes of theQur'an menafsiri heavily influenced by Arabic culture as well as the ...