Xu Yingchao (Hsu Ying-Chao) grades at Peiping National Normal University (1919)

  • Beijing Normal University
Publication date
June 1936
Springfield College;


These are the grades for Xu Yingchao (徐英超), Hsu Ying-Chao (Class of 1937), for classes taken at Peiping National Normal University (now Beijing Normal University) in 1919. The document lists the courses, the hours each week, the length of the course, and his "standing". Some of the classes listed is History of Ethics, Hygiene, Military Science, and theories of Play. The document is signed by the registrar, the dean of the Department of Physical Education, and the president of the University. It is dated June 5, 1936.Xu Yingchao (徐英超), Hsu Ying-Chao (Class of 1937) as he was known when he attended Springfield College, was born in 1900 and died in 1986. He studied at Springfield College during 1936-1937. Xu got a Bachelors of Physical Educati...

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